"We skip the tickers and speak in plain English, not finance gobbley gook. We provide you the information you need, so you can live the life you love. Sometimes we even have a little fun."
From the Founder, Wendy Mihm
I started FinancialRx because I was in that very same position. Despite having an MBA and experience in corporate marketing, I was amazed at how much I still needed to learn to make smart financial decisions for our family. I turned to the web for help, but could not find a financial site with everything I needed all in one place – especially one that did not put me to sleep.
Over time, I began to actively gather practical knowledge. I read finance books and blogs, I subscribed to financial magazines, I even attended seminars and tried tutorials, all so that I (and eventually others) could learn how to build a solid financial future for our family.
I realized that there was a big gap in the marketplace. There needed to be somewhere that busy Moms could go, to quickly and easily get the info they need, make a good decision, and move on with their lives. So I gathered a talented team of experts and we built this website to share what we’ve learned with you. We’ve addressed topics big and small: from buying a home and creating an emergency fund, to saving money at restaurants or finding low-cost, high-impact gifts for friends.
In many ways, the motivation to start FinancialRx came from my own experience as a Mom. I have two beautiful young children and a spectacular husband. Our desire to be financially responsible and secure is driven in large part by our kids. They are the heart and soul of our lives and our home, and so much of everything we do is for them. I know that many of you are Moms (and Dads) too, and that your desire to lead a happy, healthy financial life may have a lot to do with your kids. We get it.
So pull up a chair and stay awhile. And welcome to the FinancialRx family.
Women and Finance Blog
Turns out this women-as-CFO-of-the-home-thing is quite a phenomenon. To read more about it, check out our
About the Founder
Wendy Mihm earned her BA in Economics from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
She returned to Michigan a few years later to earn a Masters in Science at the School of Natural Resources and Environment. She earned her Master's in Business Administration at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Wendy's corporate marketing experience was gained from NBC Universal, and Nestle USA.